Pilot Roster

William Montgomery - Scotland

About Me
Radio Control Flying
NJ Short Hops
South America Tour
Amelia Earhart Global Flight
Patrick's Global Tour
Vietnam Tour of Duty
South America Military Bases

Completed South America Military Bases 10/05/2007 09:38 AM EST

I had company on this set of hops with AJS820 (Alex), he finished just in front of me in
the Vietnam hop list so I am determined to show him a clean set of heels this time. lol

Some of the mountain flying scenery was very nice.

As for the airports, they were well worth the down loading.

Another nice airport, I liked the helicopters it was a nice touch.

Aaaa so Alex wants to go faster, ok I am off first.

Yep after burners on as Alex has got in front of me, glad I am not paying for the fuel.

He is still in front of me and its the last hop, I have to resort to something faster, this should sort him out.

This is not a military airport, and thats not Alex.

Dam as you can see I have landed at the wrong runway, I am 24nm to the finishing line, time for plan B.

Yep I have decided to fly the last 24nm in a helicopter and I have informed Alex that it’s not a race
I just want to appreciate the nice airports. (liar liar pants on fire) lol


Still nice

Ok where is that Alex?